Dasha Ilina is a Russian techno-critical artist based in Paris, France. 
Dasha Ilina is a Russian techno-critical artist based in Paris, France. Through the employment of low-tech and DIY approaches, her work questions the desire to incorporate modern technology into our daily lives by highlighting the implications of actually doing so. Her practice engages the public in order to facilitate a space for the development of critical thought regarding social imperatives for care of oneself and others, privacy in the digital age, and the reflexive contemporary urge to turn to technology for answers. She is the founder of the Center for Technological Pain, a project that proposes DIY solutions to health problems caused by digital technologies for which she has received an Honorary Mention at Ars Electronica. Her project Technosommeil is in the collection of digital art works of the Département Val-de-Marne (Mallapixels). Ilina’s work has been exhibited at institutions such as Centre Pompidou (FR), MU Artspace (NL), Gaîté Lyrique (FR), Hartware Medienkunstverein Dortmund (DE), NeMe (CY), ISEA 2023 (FR) as well as various talks, workshops, and performances held internationally. She is also the co-director of NØ SCHOOL, a summer school that focuses on critical research around the social and environmental impacts of information and communication technologies.

Email: studio [at] dashailina.com


2014 - 2018   Parsons The New School for Design, BFA in Art, Media and Technology, Paris, France
2011 - 2014   Walnut Hill School for the Arts, Visual Arts, Natick, United States
2008 - 2011   START Architectural School, Architecture, Moscow, Russia


2025   Atelier No. 70, PACT Zollverein, Essen
2024   Fin et début / Einde en begin, iMAL, Brussels
2024   Off the Shelf | Prazne Police, MFRU30, Velika kavarna, Maribor
2024   Unmediated Art Exhibition: Recruiting the Algorithm!, STWST48x10, Stadtwerkstatt, Linz
2024   Millennials - The media art of Generation Y, laboral, Gijón
2024   Awake with a Stranger's Shoes On - Duo Show w/ Ulrich Formann, discotec, Vienna
2024   Index biennale, gnration, Braga
2024   Art Meets Radical Openness Showcase, afo, Linz
2024   La Flamme, Mains d'Oeuvres, Saint-Ouen
2024   Technosommeil : Les humains rêvent-ils de comprendre les outils ?, Médiathèque Elsa Triolet, Villejuif
2023   Échantillons de soi, CAC La Traverse, Alfortville
2023   IMPAKT Festival: Don't Be Evil, IMPAKT, Utrecht
2023   I'm Afraid I Can Do That, Torula, Gyor
2023   Systems, m-cult, Helsinki
2023   Nuit Blanche 2023 (Part of ISEA 2023), Point Éphémère, Paris
2023   ISEA2023 screenings (Let Me Fix You), Le Cube, Paris
2023   Tangible Cloud, KBK, Bruxelles
2022   Chroniques Biennale, Friche de Belle Mai, Marseille
2022   Photophore 2022, Espace Jean-Roger Caussimon, Tremblay-en-France
2022   Everything Will Be Fine, Tactical Tech, Berlin
2022   WHEN DID I BECOME CONTENT? solo show, Galerie D, Fondation Fiminco
2022   HOW TO BEAM: Do-It-Yourself Teleportation for Hybrid Times, Kamnagel Hamburg
2021   Camping with Computers, Kunstuniversität Linz
2021   Escape, voyage au coeur des cultures numériques, International Institut Français centers
2021   Working towards our own obsolescence, NeMe, Limassol
2021   Stranger Dreams, Mains D'Oeuvres, Saint-Ouen
2020   Control Shift Network, Bristol
2020   Ars Electronica Festival 2020, OK, Linz
2020   Athens Digital Art Festival - ADAF 2020, Online
2020   Hors Pistes Festival, Centre Pompidou, Paris
2020   Mensch Maschine, Le Botanique, Brussels
2019   The Wrong, EPICENTRE, Press Refresh, Various locations across Valencia and Online
2019   Die Digitale, Weltkunstzimmer, Düsseldorf
2019   DRHA Radical Immersions exhibition, Watermans Art Centre, Brentford
2019   Computer Grrrls, MU Artspace, Eindhoven
2019   Function Fest 2019, Centre Cultural Casa Planas, Palma de Mallorca
2019   Computer Grrrls, Gaîté Lyrique, Paris
2018   Monitor, AIR Gallery, Manchester
2018   Computer Grrrls, HMKV at Dortmunder U, Dortmund
2018   Le Futur de la Création (La Nuit Européene des Musées), American Center for Art and Culture, Paris
2017   MERGE: An Exhibition of Art && Design Made with Code, Plateforme Gallery, Paris
2017   The Wrong Biennale (SPAMM Power pavilion), Online at thewrong.org
2017   A More Fruitful Way to Spend Free Time, Plateforme Gallery, Paris
2017   SPAMM, Parsons Paris, Paris and Online at spamm.fr
2016   De Maggy Almao à Angelo Yoto (Nuit Blanche), Centre Anim' Paris 14, Paris
2015   De Nature Rerum, Parsons Paris, Paris
2015   Point to Line to Plane, Parsons Paris, Paris

Talks & Workshops

2024   Workshop & Roundtable: Center for Technological Pain from Institut Français NL, Waag Futurelab, Amsterdam
2024   Talk: Crash Course: Internet Culture x Information, V2_, Rotterdam
2024   Workshop: DIY Solutions to Technological Pain, Merz Akademie, Stuttgart
2024   Talk: "Jordan B. Peterson thought a Bollywood film was AI generated" at KIKK Festival, Theatre de Namur, Namur
2024   Workshop: DIY Solutions to Technological Pain, MFRU30, Maribor
2024   Talk: Traces of Power, WdKA, Rotterdam
2024   Talk: Advice Well Taken during Figure It Out Symposium, Malta Society of Arts, Malta
2024   Talk: Cooking and Repairing the Algorithm during STWST 48x10, Stadtwerkstatt, Linz
2024   Workshop: Broderie Électronique, Médiathèque Elsa Triolet, Villejuif
2024   Workshop: Jordan B. Peterson Thought a Bollywood Film Was AI-Generated w/Sarah GHP at Art Meets Radical Openness, afo, Linz
2024   Talk: My Magical Grilled Cheese Sandwich at Art Meets Radical Openness, afo, Linz
2024   Workshop: Broderie Numérique, Bibliothèque Benjamin Rabier, Paris
2024   Artist talk: SOME AIR: Creative Playground, Institut Français, Bucharest
2024   Panel: Technology as Cultural Carrier Bag at Symposium "Peeking beyond the Ending", Zebrastraat, Ghent
2024   Workshop: Broderie Numérique, Médiathèque Elsa Triolet , Villejuif
2024   Artist talk: La Nuit des Idées, OBA, Amsterdam
2023   Workshop: Center for Technological Pain, Parsons Paris, Paris
2023   Artist talk presenting Advice Well Taken during the launch of Story Jam, Storytellers Unite, Utrecht
2023   Artist talk presenting Advice Well Taken during Makers Meet and Eat, IMPAKT, Utrecht
2023   Artist talk NeoArt Connect, Bucharest
2023   Artist talk: Art as Attunement, WRO Biennale, Wroclaw
2023   Workshop: DIY solutions to Technological Pain at The Cookery, iMAL, Brussels
2023   Workshop: Center for Networked Intimacy at The Cookery, iMAL, Brussels
2022   Workshop: Cartes musicales électroniques DIY pour les relations en ligne, Stereolux, Nantes
2022   Artist Talk: Everyone everywhere all at once, NØ School 2022, Nevers
2022   Artist Talk and Worksession during «Dissiper la brume», Tangible Cloud, Brussels
2022   Workshop: Becoming Cultish or Brochures for a Digitally (Tele-)Present World, AMRO, Linz
2022   Artist Talk and series of online and offline workshops, Kampnagel & Deichtorhallen, Hamburg
2021   Artist Talk: La révolution numérique vue par les artistes de la création numérique, BNF, Paris
2021   Workshop: Solutions DIY aux Douleurs Technologiques, Studio 13/16 Centre Pompidou, Paris
2021   Workshop: Center for Networked Intimacy, servus.at, Linz
2021   Workshop: Center for Technological Pain, Pixelache, Helsinki
2021   Workshop: Objects for Disrupting Digital Technology, 1M Sotto La Metro, Online & Rome
2021   Talk: Do your eyes hurt? All you need is cardboard and motors!! (Ok, and a lot of superglue), !!Con, Online
2021   Workshop: DIY Solutions for a life free of technological pain, HeK, Online
2021   Artist talk: JITSY SALOON #32 Open Studio - With artists Golnaz Behrouznia & Dasha Ilina Saloon Paris, Online
2021   Conference: « Art de jeunes Russes à l’étranger », Centre de Russie pour la science et la culture à Paris, Online
2020   Interview and Presentation of work at Disrupt & Reflect, Impakt, Online
2020   Artist talk: Center for Technological Pain conference, S+T+Arts and French Tech Week event, Online
2020   Workshop: DIY Solutions Against Tech-Pain, Mapping Festival, Geneva
2020   Workshop: DIY Solutions to End Tech Pain, Control Shift Network, Bristol
2020   Let Me Fix You Presentation during Journées Européennes du Patrimoine, Mains d'Oeuvres, Saint-Ouen
2020   Artist Talk: What is "+" of Interactive Art in the Age of Uncertainty, Ars Electronica Festival, Online
2020   Artist Talk, Yeltsin Centre Art Gallery, Yekaterinburg
2020   Workshop: Choose Your Own Quarantine, Kleine Humboldt Galerie, Something in Between Project Space, Online
2020   Lecture & Workshop: Choose Your Own Quarantine, Shelter Festival, Online
2020   Workshop: DIY Solutions to Hack Contemporary Technologies, Art Meets Radical Openness 2020, Online
2020   Workshop: DIY solutions for disrupting the digital, Innovation Colab, Duke University (online)
2020   Round Table: "Le Futur a-t-il un genre(s)", Les Féminins festival, Théâtre de Verre, Paris
2020   Talk: An artist and an engineer walk into a bar. What do they have in common? Or art about tech-pain, the gig economy, surveillance and robots. Les Halles de Schaerbeek, CPDP conference 2020, Brussels
2019   Conference: Artistes dans le numérique ou comment hacker la surveillance et beaucoup plus, Stereolux, Nantes
2019   Workshop: Solutions DIY pour détourner le numérique, Stereolux, Nantes
2019   Presentation of Self-Defense Against Technology, Au Landy Sauvage, Saint-Denis
2019   Presentation: Center for Technological Pain, L'abbaye de Maubuisson, Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône
2019   Workshop: Tech Pain Solutions, Hackers and Designers, Amsterdam
2019   Artist talk: Tech Self-Defense, NØ School, Nevers
2019   Workshop: Autodéfense contre les nuisances technologiques, La Gaîté Lyrique, Paris
2019   Workshop: Création d’objets DIY pour lutter contre les douleurs technologiques, Computer Grrrls, La Gaîté Lyrique, Paris
2019   Workshop: Solutions to Health Problems, Tech Companies Don’t Want You to Know About, Meta Marathon, NRW-Forum Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf
2019   Artist talk: Input on Solutions to Health Problems, Tech Companies Don’t Want You to Know About, Meta Marathon, NRW-Forum Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf
2018   Workshop: bienvenue dans la vie sans douleur !, générations connectées, Le Cube, Issy-les-Moulineaux
2018   Workshop: Creation des Objets Contre Technodouleur, dans le cadre de musique insolite avec makey makey, Le Cube, Issy-les-Moulineaux
2018   Artist talk: DIY and Tech Pain, R6FRAG.USE, Espace En Cours, Paris
2018   Artist talk: Presenting the Center for Technological Pain, Open Source Body Festival, La Gaîté Lyrique, Paris
2017   Workshop: Inspecting Gadgets, Parsons Paris, Paris


2024   LivePDLive set with Ted Davis (click the link for the audio recording courtesy of David Miller), Église Saint-Étienne, Nevers
2024   Dasha's Kitchen: My Magical Peanut Butter and Jelly Recipe - LIVE!, Mains d'Oeuvres, Saint-Ouen
2023   LivePDLive set with Ted Davis, Église Saint-Étienne, Nevers
2022   PD5Live set with Ted Davis, Église Sainte Bernadette du Banlay, Nevers
2021   Live set with Ted Davis, NØ SCHOOL NEVERS, Nevers
2020   Live performance, Station of Commons, Online
2020   Live set, π node radio, Online
2020   Live set with Ted Davis, Espace Multimédia Gantner, Bourgogne
2019   NØ LIVE, Église Sainte Bernadette du Banlay, Nevers
2018   R7FRAG.BIN, Espace En Cours, Paris
2017   Beauty Prescribed, Musée Des Arts Décoratifs, Paris
2017   ReFrag, Parsons Paris, Paris
2016   ReFrag, Parsons Paris, Paris
2016   EXIT Festival, Maison des Arts de Créteil, Créteil

Awards & Residencies

2024   Residency at l'Institut Français, Bucharest, Romania
2024   Residency at La Générale, Paris, France
2023   Technosommeil in the collection of Mallapixels, Créteil, Val-de-Marne, France
2023   EMAP residency at IMPAKT, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2022   The Host is Darsha Hewitt: How to Beam residency at Deichtorhallen & Kampnagel, Hamburg, Germany
2021   Center for Networked Intimacy Residency at servus.at, Linz, Austria
2021   Aide individuelle à la Creation DRAC Ile-de-France, Paris, France
2021   Traversées Grant, Paris, France
2020   ADAF Award for 3rd place in the Games category, Athens, Greece
2020   Residency at Mains d'Oeuvres, Saint-Ouen, France
2020   Honorary mention at Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria
2020   Self House Residency, Online
2019   Koumaria Residency, Sellasia, Greece
2019   Residency at SimplonLab, Montreuil, France
2018   Prix #Makeuses, Simplon.co, Montreuil, France

Press & Writing

2025   "How to Compute a Vision: Perspectives on Post–Acquisitive Alternatives and Computer–Mediated Worlding" article on the Off the Shelf exhibition by Lea Sande Most magazine
2024   Opkomst AI in de kunst leidt tot huiver en scepsis wat gaat er mis? interview about AI in the arts nrc NL (in dutch)
2024   Interview about Art and society in the age of artificial intelligence for the Die Fabrikanten DILEMMABLOG
2024   Essay on Algorithmic Video Surveillance and Magic on The Couch (Het Hem)
2023   Review of Advice Well Taken in ‘Lets turn big tech into fair tech’ – visiting IMPAKT festival, Metropolis M
2023   Interview about Advice Well Taken "Technik-Aberglauben" in German, Ö1 Radio (in german)
2023   L’art numérique pour rire et guérir des écrans: Portrait de Dasha Ilina, Chut! (in french)
2022   »Ich bin in einer niemals endenden Dauerschleife gelandet« Interview mit Dasha Ilina, Halle 4 (in german)
2021   Say Thanks to Dasha! (Traversées focus sur le travail de Dasha Ilina par Valentina Peri), lacritique.org (in french)
2021   Center for Networked Intimacy, Obsolete Studio
2021   Il est essentiel pour moi de développer un discours critique sur la technologie, Rencontre avec Dasha Ilina, Institut Français (in french)
2021   Des objets « diy » pour repenser notre lien à la technologie et des compteurs à zéro, Rencontre avec Dasha Ilina, arobase newsletter (in french)
2020   Dasha Ilina Interview, Neural
2020   Dasha Ilina: DIY, humour, yoga, martial arts and man-machine interactions - Interview, Makery
2020   Dasha Ilina & Benjamin Gaulon, No School Nevers - Interview, Tech + Art Podcast
2019   Dasha Ilina's DIY solutions to "Fool the Machine" - Interview, Stereolux Blog (in french)
2019   Computer Grrrls, ZeroDeux Revue (in french and english)
2019   Le bricolage, remède à la techno-dépendance, Arte Tracks (in french and german)
2019   Dry eyes? Insomnia? Poor posture? The Center for Technological Pain has the solution!, We Make Money Not Art
2019   Interview with Kurtis Lesick and Dasha Ilina, Koumaria Residency Blog
2019   L’oeuvre de la semaine : "Center for Technological Pain de Dasha Ilina", La Gaîté Lyrique (in french)
2018   Curator's choice (page 70), Kunst Bulletin 9/2018 (in german)
2018   Interview titled "Devenir Transform'acteur" (starting at 38:00), Les Rendez-Vous du Futur (in french)
2018   Femmes dans la tech : lever les freins, hacker les genres !, SocialGoodWeek (in french)
2018   They made Open Source Body, Makery

Cultural Production & Teaching

2022 - ...   Teaching: Histoire et théories des arts et cultures numériques at ésam caen
2023 - ...   Mentoring: CODE residency program at IMPAKT
2022   NØ LAB: Cycle of conferences, performances, and workshops at La Gaîté Lyrique
2021   DIWO: Arts & Tech camp, Stereolux
2019 - ...   NØ School Nevers, Nevers
2016   REFRAG Festival 2016: Media Archaeology, Parsons Paris / Gaîté Lyrique