Nothing to Hide

About this project:

Nothing to hide highlights the three of the most notable aspects of surveillance. In order to do that, three devices were created that show all of the obvious ways with which we're being tracked. These devices have been particularly exaggerated to show how obvious it has become that we are being tracked throughout the day. In the video, the first subject is having their conversations recorded, which was done by attaching a microphone to their smartphone. The second subject is under video surveillance, demonstrated by video and photo recordings made with a webcam that's attached to a smartphone. Finally, the last subject has their geolocation tracked, which is visualized by an abstract drawing created on top of a map with a marker that's being pulled by the subjects movements.

These specific device augmentations were chosen as obvious representations of the information that is constantly being stored on us. Using a microphone allows one to have full high quality audio recordings like the ones you can access through your google account search history, if you allow it to access your microphone. The usage of a web camera provides us with photos similar to the ones you could have from a computer's webcam, because the video surveillance is not limited to one device. Attaching a marker to a smartphone to represent geolocation surveillance gave us the least accurate information, mocking their surveillance methods.

Project by Amanda Lewis and Dasha Ilina